Monday, April 25, 2011

Motivation to Change

Welcome everyone to my blog.  Long ago I decided that I needed to make changes in my life for health reasons.  Here is a little background on how I got to where I am now.  When I got married to Janica, I had just returned from Ft. Irwin, CA and a long month in the desert.  Also I was just a few short months removed from Army Basic Training.  Needless to say I was in probably the best physical condition of my life.  I weighed in at about 180 Lbs.  I wouldn’t say that I was “cut” or even satisfied with my physique, but I was in far better shape and I was motivated to continue improving my body. 
                Shorty after marrying Janica (June 17, 2006) I deployed to Iraq.  During my 15 month deployment I started to slip on working out.  Often times we had so little time in between combat missions that I chose to sleep, eat or call Janica.  Rarely would I gather the energy to exercise.  When I returned home from Iraq in September 2007, I had gained roughly 10 LB’s and was starting to become alarmed at the shape I was in. 
                Since then I have only continued to gain weight and lose muscle.  I weighed in the other day at 207 Lbs and have floated between 207 and 213 for the last few months.  I have had bursts of motivation along the way, but have never been able to sustain the lifestyle change that I want/need. Aside from I have never had to be accountable for the way I eat or treat my body.  Recently I stumbled upon the blog of an old college roommate.  He has started to blog about his journey back to fitness.  You can follow his blog here.  This has given me the COURAGE to do the same.   This adventure will be embarrassing to say the least.  I don’t have any pictures yet but they are sure to come. 
                I really don’t want to get long winded in this first post so I will wrap it up with this.  I will post goals, workouts plans, dieting goals, etc in a later post.  I don’t know if anyone will be interested in this journal but regardless I guess I am doing it for my own accountability and motivation.  If I inspire anyone along the way that is great too.  I welcome the comments and advice.

1 comment:

  1. Great Job Nolan! The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem! j/k First and formost I admire you for being one of the select who serve out country with honor! Me and my family thank you for your service and sacrifice! Keep up the good work I can't wait to see what you accomplish!
